here for
each other
Personal services
Life on Knox Street
Olive and Palm Cafés
The perfect places to catch up with friends and family. Self service refreshments are available.
Stocked with a small range of snacks, refreshments and personal products.
Hair Salon
We have a hairdresser with competitive rates who attends Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday morning. Appointments can be made through the nursing staff.
Podiatry, Optometry and Dentistry
Qualified professionals visit Knox regularly. Appointments can be made through the nursing staff.
These services attract additional charges.
An independent advocate is available to support residents through personal issues or concerns. This is a free service. Appointments are by referral through either a Team Leader or the Nursing Services Manager.
Church worship
Residents have the opportunity to attend a church service at Knox each Wednesday but arrangements can also be made for attendance at other church services.
Residents can continue to enjoy everything they did in their own homes, and often much more
There's more or less of everything at Knox; you decide what you want
Look out for these posters around Knox which reminder us about life here.