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Strength and mobility with physiotherapy


It’s vital our residents have as much independence as possible so that they can continue to engage in meaningful lives.

Qualified physiotherapists aided by physiotherapy assistants work with residents Monday to Friday. All clients are assessed on admission after which a personal programme is developed to best meet their needs. Residents can be involved in group classes or individual programmes in our well-equipped physiotherapy gym. There are no additional fees for these.

The Physiotherapy team offers special assistance to residents rehabilitating after a stroke and have an arrangement with Te Whatu Ora to provide ongoing treatment to selected patients discharged after orthopaedic procedures.

"I’m first at the
gym every morning"

There’s so much to do with the rest
of the day.

Baden thinks he deserves a break at 92 after decades of cattle farming in Dargaville. But that doesn’t stop him from contributing to anything he can. He feels he’s well supported by Knox, which gives him the freedom to help community groups, join Knox friends on outings to events, win Housie games, indulge in his love of dark chocolate and get to the gym. He has just enough time to fit in visits from his family too.

Meaningful activity


The Eden Alternative philosophy guides therapists and assistants to encourage spontaneity, meaningful activity and connectedness to the environment, animals and each other. The team assesses individuals and groups specific needs to develop appropriate programmes.

There are always a wide range of group activities on the programme at Knox. Residents regularly take outings to a wide range of destinations and events. Residents and carers are also encouraged to be involved in whatever activities they enjoy such as personal baking, cooking, painting, gardening or whatever inspires them.

Our Cultivate programme develops links and relationships with a wide range of community groups and organisations so that Knox residents are purposefully involved in the world they live.

Like everyone, Knox residents have interests and ambitions, bucket lists and dreams. Cultivate brings together the opportunities for them to do what they want to whether a regular thing or a one-off arrangement.

Residents may want to help others, learn a new skill, take up or reinvigorate a hobby, join a special interest group, perform a kind deed, give someone a surprise or simply experience something new. Click here to read more about the Cultivate programme.

Good care for the good life

Every quarter we produce a report based on InterRai Assessments and QPS Benchmarking. The statistics reflect some meaningful trends that we have been consistently seeing in the reports.


A summary of the January-March 2020 report from 80 assessments shows that:

Knox residents have higher need for care and assistance than the national average.

55% are “extensively dependent (or greater)” vs 44% nationally.

Knox residents display less aggressive behaviour.

74% had “no instances” vs 63% nationally.

Knox residents have greater health stability.

78% experience no symptoms or have minimal health instability vs 68% nationally.

Knox residents are less depressed.
75% score 0 or 1 on the 12-point Depression scale vs 62% nationally.

Knox residents experience less pain.

95% report “no pain” or “less than daily” pain vs 88% nationally.

Knox residents have fewer falls with injury.
Knox ranked 2nd out of 195 in Australasia. Have been consistently below the NZ and Australasian mean for the past 5 years and have remained below 2% since 2016.

Knox residents have fewer pressure injuries.

Below the NZ and Australasian benchmark for nearly 3 years.

Knox residents have fewer wound and skin infections.
Well below the Australasian benchmark for over 2 years.

Have less unplanned weight loss.

Knox ranked 2nd out of 156 for the most recent quarter.

Even though Knox Residents have higher care needs, they experience greater health stability, are happier, experience less pain and display less frustration arising from unmet needs.
We acknowledge that not everyone’s experience will be reflected in these statistics, but by making these assessments we have a process of continually monitoring the health and wellbeing of the Knox community so that we can continually improve our performance and ultimately, the lives of residents.

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